Thursday, July 2, 2009

Going Natural

What is goin Natural? it is somthing balck women do to bascialy go back to there roots. they cut off all there permed hair and leave what naturaly come out of there hair. this is a way to embrase their natural coils and waves. people do this many ways. By cuting there hair really short aka TWA ( teeny weeny afro) or you can transition for as long as you want and grow your natural hair to the lenght you want and when its time snip snip. im an curently transititoning im 2 months in. i plan to to my BC (big chop) in about a year. i will post vid's about this topic soon. stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


having trouble downlaoding music for the net? well i got u. ok so i have no idea how i figured this out but uhmmm ok these are the steps
1. go on
2. type in download Requested song on
Easy nah? yeah thats pretty much it. if you dont find the song you want you can go on what you do on there is easy. if you use any of this comment and tell me how it worked for you


Is your life average. Mine is! so theres this site called its on my list of site i enjoy. i love this site becasue you can go on it an read stories about thing that happen in peoples lives that make them so average. you can also post a story to. idk i think its fun. check it out!

Vertical Leap

As u kno i play a little ball and ive been trying to increase my vertical leap for a while. bascially im ask for advice. i found a web site but def comment and tell me what u do or what you've heard.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Its so weird. lyk the past week poeple kept telling me to write down my gaols. at first my youth pastor said it and i didnt take it too serious, then i heard some guy say it on the radio. then i was watching TeeVee and some dude was talking about how he writes about his goals. so guess what! i made a list, its not in n.e special order but hey i thought I'd share. leave a comment of your goals as well, shoert term and long term.

MY Goals

1. Finish summer reading b4 august
2. Get straight A’s
3. score 300 points next season
4. score 14 points in my game
5. cut my hair/Grow a afro/ “go natural”
6. get my license b4 I turn 17
7. get a job
8. collect something
9. go 2 college in new York
10. Either go 2 Syracuse or seton hall
11. Get married b4 im 30, marry someone mixed
12. have the same amount of boys and gurls have kids b4 im 27
13. live in a apartment in new york
14. get a black car
15. be a criminal lawyer
16. own my own law firm
17. be on tv
18. Meet Spencer form icarly
19. try out for American idol
20. make up a word and get in published

Monday, June 29, 2009

First Blog!!

Ok! so this is my first blog! im excited...ok so ive had a lot of diffrent sites and stuff but i never really bloged before so im excited. i like editing pictures and playin basketball so uhmm ill prob post alot of pictures i edited, and basketball stuff. so far i put up sites i like to go to enjoy i guess.